Course curriculum

  • 2

    Mapping My Career

    • Questionnaire - Career Competencies

    • Career Competencies

    • Certainty vs. Intentionality

    • Career Mapping

    • Worksheet - Create Your Own Career Map

  • 3

    Building My Professional Presence

    • Professional Presence in Action

    • What is Professional Presence?

    • Building Professional Presence

    • Worksheet - Building MY Professional Presence

    • Crafting Your EDGE Statement

    • Worksheet - My EDGE Statement

    • BONUS! Build Your Professional Presence Virtually

  • 4

    Creating My Professional Village

    • What is a Professional Village?

    • Qualities of an Effective Professional Village

    • Worksheet - My Professional Village

    • Creating and Growing Your Professional Villages

    • Checklist - Tips to Create and Grow Your Professional Village

  • 5

    Preparing for Career Conversations

    • What are Career Conversations?

    • Introducing the GROW Model

    • The GROW Model

    • Digging into The GROW Model

    • Preparing for Career Conversations

    • Worksheet - Using GROW for Your Career Conversations

    • Sample Career Conversation Using the GROW Model

    • Explaining the Sample Career Conversation

  • 6

    Now you are ready to navigate your career

    • Recap

    • Thank you for learning with us!

    • Before you go... please give us the gift of feedback

    • References

What will you get out of this course

In 2.5 to 3 hours, you will:

  • Identify strategies to clarify your personal goals and build self-awareness

  • Describe ways to maximize the support available to you

  • Gather tools and frameworks to guide you as you work towards making your career truly your own

Share your learning

Get recognized for your hard work.

The best part is you can also share this on your LinkedIn profile.

Meet your instructor

Lead Designer & Facilitator

Elizha Corpus (she/her)

is the Managing Director & Lead Consultant of Elizha Corpus Consulting. She holds a BA in Psychology from University of the Philippines Diliman and an MA in Human Resources and Labor Relations from Michigan State University. She started her career in the tech industry in the United States where she worked on global Learning & Development and Culture initiatives for a multinational company. In 2018, she decided to come back to the Philippines where she is now focused on culture transformation, capability building, and infusing social impact in organizations of all sizes and industries.